Thursday, March 17, 2011

Elephants, On The Eating Of.

You would think that a blog about writing every day might get updated every day. Well too bad!

I have been writing most every day, just not in the blog. I've just started on a new project related to language learning. I can't really go into it because it's too early to say much about it. But it is a pretty exciting application of the ideas of Stephen Krashen in a multimedia environment. Which is a bad way of saying that if you were to take Rosetta Stone and make it useful then you'd have what I'm talking about.

I may post the proof of concept video, I'll edit it and see.
Sorry I'm being so tight on the details.

Anyhow, this idea that I'm working on is going to be a lot of work and from where I'm sitting it looks like a huge mountain. In fact it is not something I can possibly do alone, but for the time being I will need to go it alone.

What does this have to do with writing? Well I figure that any story of a reasonable length and complexity is a huge task. Even if you are the worlds fastest writer and you never have writer's block it will still take you a good long time. One thing I was never given the respect necessary to develop competency in seeing projects all the way through to completion. The end result is that I really struggle to do task that are long complex or have many parts.

anyhow, as they say the only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.

That's all for this post, later I want to talk about breaking a project down into manageable parts and goal setting and whatever else that comes along with taking on a large project.

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