Monday, March 7, 2011

Addicted to my internets

A few years ago I used to spend a ridiculous amount of time chasing down every last detail about my university's football team. Then it was tracing down every bit of information I could find on Nintendo DS games because I was worried about missing a hidden gem. The problem with that is I spent far more time looking up information about games and refreshing videogame websites like or than I did actually playing games. I would even read all the ridiculous and stupid comments that people would leave... It was I think a classic addiction because I felt nervous and anxious whenever I wasn't checking the internet for some obscure tidbit about a video-game or my alma mater's football team.

I've not as of yet entirely kicked the habit, I will sometimes sit refreshing iTunes every five minutes because I hope someone will release a podcast and I will be able to ignore whatever it is causing the tension for a little longer.

What's the solution? well part is to not be so hard on yourself. You can't beat yourself up over "wasting time" because attacking yourself is the opposite of a solution. You can try being more gentle with yourself, and try to find a therapist. Now I've been to two therapists since the beginning of the year, the first one seemed to be pretty interested in wasting my time and money. The second one couldn't even answer a simple question about something she found negative in her training, how can she have any hope of talking honestly about negative parenting? She can't so I'm still looking for a better therapist. Though at the moment I'm sticking with the second one because she isn't a big drain on my bank account.

So in the end what am I saying about internet addiction? Well if you feel like you have it, or any other kind of addiction then you should get some help and not attack yourself, try to be your own best friend.

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