Saturday, November 19, 2011

Improve in another language the hard and laborious way.

So you want to learn a new language?

Boy do I have the thing for you! That's right! Start with my method and you too can speak a new language in ten to twenty years!

Step Zero: Get your learning template from years of public schooling, and "learn" how to learn a language from a few years of Spanish french or German in high school.

Step One: find some phrase books or first year books with some phrases in them. Try to practice saying these phrases to yourself.

Step Two: Get busy and forget about learning the language for a year or two.

Step Three: Get very serious about the language again after watching a special on the Travel channel. Get a few grammar books and some more advanced textbooks because "you've already learned the easy stuff."

Step Four: Burn out after a few months or weeks.

Step Six: Buy some expensive software or audio CD collection as a way to show yourself that you are really serious about learning this language. Start using them and really feel like you are making progress.

Step Seven: find the software or CDs stuck in a closet or under a car seat and wonder why you are so bad at learning languages.

Step Eight: Travel to a country where people speak the language that you have been "learning". Order a meal and feel pleased with yourself. Then notice some other tourist having what appears to be a fluent conversation with a local and wonder why you've been wasting your time.

Step Nine: There is no step nine because you gave up on trying to learn a foreign language and settled for talking to people in English.

So class, what have we learned? Not a whole lot really except that I forgot the real first step and had to add it in later as step zero because I don't want to relabel every step. We also learned that we don't know how to learn a language.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The life and times of Chickens!

There is a lot of Chicken in the world, and some times the chickens are very happy.
Sometimes chickens end up dead and eaten by people.

Chickens are not generally very smart, if you kick them they won't know to run away from you and you can kick them again... particularly if you are playing a "Legend of Zelda" game.

and um some days you feel like a chicken, and some days you feel like... the car?

Well anyhow, today is a very nice day, rainy and rainy!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Wow! I am here.

Hey there, things have been hairy for a while... I got a new job, then worked really hard... and then had to leave to see my daughter born.

Well I am back to writing and feeling great!

I have a few ideas that I'd like to write about in the near future:
Time management isn't working for me and what I plan to do about it.
Breaking through the noise and getting noticed
Some interesting observations about China
Wasting time, cuz I often feel like I am wasting time.
multi-tasking and whether there are too many things on my plate at once.
Setting goals, goals are related to time management, but maybe if I haven't exhausted all I have to say then I can talk about goals in more detail.

So you see, that's some stuff I can write about as I go.

Also, shout-out to that guy who posted a comment a while back about me not writing every day! Hey, what's up? thanks for the encouragement, I wasn't ignoring your comment I just didn't know what to say! :D